Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Taking Action - the ultimate escape plan

When young Dawn with her rose-red fingers shone once more the monster relit his fire, going on with his morning routine. He snatched two more of my finest men. Both Antinious and Brotus were fixed for his meal. How gruesome!!

Being well-fed, the cyclops drove his flock of sheep from the cave, lifting the huge door slab up and away, then slipped it back into its place.

That is when we took action...

I thought to myself, "How could I pay him back? Would Athena give me glory?"

The best plan I could think of was this:

1) Take the great club of the Cyclops (it lay by the pens, olivewood, full of sap)

2) Chop the club to a fathom's length

3) Smooth out the club and sharpen the end

4) Place the sharp end over the fire to char it good and hard

5) Hide the club under the dung that litters the cavern's floor in thick wet clumps.

6) Stab the cyclops

We have steps 1 through 5 complete, the only question is: How do we stab the cyclops without him noticing us?

I got the very best four men of what was left of our group and planned out our further actions.


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