Back he came from the pasture, late in the day, herding his flocks home, and lugging a huge load of good dry logs to fuel his fire at supper. He flung them down in the cave - a jolting crash - we scuttled in panic into the deepest dark recess. The giant went along with his daily routine as we trembled in the dark corner of the cave. He milked his goats, put the rams outside, and hoisted a tremendous, massive slab - no twenty-two wagons, rugged and four-wheeled, could budge that bould off the ground, I tell you, such an immense stone the monster wedged to block his cave!!!!
We were stuck, nothing to do but wait until the monster found us.
As soon as he finished all of his chores, he lit his fire, and spied us in the blaze and thundered, "Strangers! Now who are you?"
All of our hearts shook, terrified by his rumbling voice.
I answered the one eyed monster, "Men of Achaea we are and bound now from Troy! Driven off course by the warring winds. We're suppliants - at your mercy! Zeus of the strangers guards all guest and suppliants: strangers are sacred - Zeus will avenge their rights!"
(I wonder if the huge man even knew what cities I spoke of considering how isolated he seemed to be. I do not even think he knows who Achilles, the greatest of all Greek soldiers is!)
He laughed, he laughed at me. I was so confused and enraged. No one dare laugh at the great Odysseus, king of Ithaca, survivor of Troy.
He asked "But tell me, where did you moor your sturdy ship when you arrived?"
I immediately knew this to be a trap so I responded, "Poseidon god of the earthquake smashed my ship."Not a single reply did I here from that ruthless brutes mouth.
Horrifically, he reached out his hand, snatching two of my men at once, rapping them on the ground he knocked them dead like pups - their brains gushed out all over, soaked the floor - and ripping them limb from limb to fix his meal he bolted them down like a mountain-lion, left no scrap. Once the vicious savage stuffed his gut with my comrades, he slept in his cave stretched out along his flocks. I quickly began planning how to take revenge but we now lay groaning, waiting for Dawn's first light...